Højttalerudkald i S-tog (på engelsk)

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Dangerous outside the train (direkte lydlink)

It can be dangerous to stay outside the train. More information will follow when available.
Optaget af: Michael Hansen, efter opdatering af togets computer 2012, 4. generations S-tog

Make room for passengers leaving the train (direkte lydlink)

Please make room for passengers leaving the train
Optaget af: Michael Hansen, efter opdatering af togets computer 2012 , 4. generations S-tog

Next station is Copenhagen Central (direkte lydlink)

Next station is Copenhagen Central. This train terminates here. All change please. For passengers traveling beyond this station, your next train will leave from the adjacent side of the platform.
Optaget af: Michael Hansen, efter opdatering af togets computer 2012, 4. generations S-tog

Not allowed to prevent automatic doors... (direkte lydlink)

It´s not allowed to prevent the automatic closing of the doors.
Optaget af: Michael Hansen, efter opdatering af togets computer 2012, 4. generations S-tog

This train is not in service (direkte lydlink)

Optaget af: Michael Hansen, efter opdatering af togets computer 2012, 4. generations S-tog

This train is not in service... (direkte lydlink)

This train is not in service, please leave the train immediately as it will depart shortly
Optaget af: Michael Hansen, efter opdatering af togets computer 2012, 4. generations S-tog

Waiting for an ambulance (direkte lydlink)

We are currently waiting for an ambulance to attend a medical emergency.
Optaget af: Michael Hansen, efter opdatering af togets computer 2012, 4. generations S-tog

Waiting for staff to help you leave the train (direkte lydlink)

We are currently waiting for staff to help you leave the train.
Optaget af: Michael Hansen, efter opdatering af togets computer 2012, 4. generations S-tog

Waiting for the police (direkte lydlink)

We are currently waiting for the police to arrive.
Optaget af: Michael Hansen, efter opdatering af togets computer 2012, 4. generations S-tog

We will continue as soon as possible (direkte lydlink)

Optaget af: Michael Hansen, efter opdatering af togets computer 2012, 4. generations S-tog

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